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Tuesday, 15 May 2012


What do you think of when you hear the word Trust?
I think of that test that people always ask you to do, the one where you fall backwards into their arms but I know I can't do that, so what is trust?
Trust is such an amazing thing. There will be few people who come into your life that you trust completely and they trust you too, so trust! Okay but your probably thinking 'What is she on? Like, I'm not about to walk up to this randomer and tell them my worries and problems!' and you are quite right too, I don't really mean that and I wouldn't recommend that unless you feel it's necessary! I want you to think how many people you actually do trust and to what extent, I am doing this too. Do you trust your friends? Do you trust your family? Do you trust your teachers? Do you trust God?
Do you trust God? Trusting and believing in something that you can't see is difficult, it's like if someone told you they had an ice cream behind their back for you and you would get it if you did this one thing for them, you can't see the ice cream, how do you it's really there? This is like God's existence. Personally I believe that God is God, he loves us and he is real. But believing and trusting are quite different. It took me quite a while to fully trust God, and sometimes I won't write down or pray my absolutete true feelings and that's ok, but I want to FULLY trust God. It's hard! I'm not going to lie, but I think that once you've got it, it's amazing. Trusting the CREATOR of the Universe! Amazing.

Work on your trust with God, He loves you.

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