Welcome to my thoughts, where I share with you my thoughts!

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Some Edits!

So, I have found out that I really enjoy editing photos. I used to edit my pictures with an online tool called Picnik, I'm sure a lot of you remember it but quite recently it closed down, so a friend of mine showed me PicMonkey! It is so great! I edited these photos:

Friday, 18 May 2012

Don't Let It Get To You!

Picture that time when your friend said something ridiculous and bang out of order to you, or when you failed that History essay or remember that time someone told you that you weren't good enough, smart enough, pretty enough? Think about that. How did it make you feel? Angry, upset, frustrated, fed up? I bet! Well, I want to tell you that these natural reactions don't have to be natural. I know this may sound very difficult but next time could you tell the person how it made you feel or instead, ignore them, but don't bottle it up. If you have ever been told that you aren't good enough or something along those lines, please, do not listen to that comment. God made you who you are. You ARE beautiful, strong, loving and definitely good enough. You will find people in your life you make you feel rubbish, make you fear being near them, make you sigh with sadness BUT there is more. They are tiny people and you cannot let what they say get to you. Usually, those people are jealous of you! Crazy! There is so much more ahead of you. You will meet the most amazing people who will never intentionally hurt you. So don't let those tiny people and their stupid comments get you down because God fearfully and wonderfully made you and he loves you.

Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

2011 & 2012- so far!

I was reflecting on 2011 and 2012 so far. There were times filled with, excitement, sadness, tears, laughter, pain, smiling-so-much-your-cheeks-are going-numb moments, fright, surprises and so much more..
I know that I am going to miss out some people here but if I do forgive me, because there are so many people! In the past year a lot of stuff has happened, in school, in family, in church, everywhere! It's the same for everyone! I want to thank a whole bunch of people who have helped me, made me smile, laugh & cry with pure joy :)
Firstly my parents.. though they may be a pain, they love me and love them! They ask me to do things and I reply with some teenagery stupid comment- sorry Mum! Mum and Jeremy, you guys have gotta be in like the top 20 most amazing people in this world! You help me with homework and revision, you support me in my choices, you laugh with me (or at me!), cry with me, and do the most stupid things with me! And mum, when you come back from Zumba and show me your 'moves' and I tell you that your embarrassing, I am smiling and laughing on the inside, you are too cool Mum! Mum, when I was sick you held my head, when I was fed up you encouraged me, when I was sad you cuddled me and prayed with me, you are there 100% and that is amazing, you are a babe ;) Jeremy! You are like a Dad to me, you help me, joke with me, protect me, love me and everything else you do! You laugh at my way of talking and you try and master the Irish accent, it needs work! Jeremy I love you so much thank you for EVERYTHING! You and Mum are amazing! And Daddy, I miss you every day, all the memories we've made together- remember our tennis ball wars and playing hockey outside, and playing with those metal poles pretending they were light sabres? I do, and I'll never forget them! The past year we've been seeing less of each other and I know that I'm older and you live a long way a way but I still love you.. so much. I miss you too, but I look forward to the next time I see you all the time! Love you!
Okay, Friends! What would any of us do without them? Be very alone I'd say! Right! So! You hold me up when I am so weak, you text me at unearthly hours just to comfort me, you put up with my stroppy and hormonal times, you welcome me into your homes, you are ALWAYS there for me, you make me smile, laugh, dance, jump and squeal. I love you guys so so much! I can't find words to begin to describe how much you all mean to me.
Family! You are a crazy bunch, I'll give you that! Our fun times will never be forgotten. Boxing Day at Granny's is always a great family get together. You are always so caring, loving and protective. I love you all a lot!
Last, but NOT least! God. God, you have held me in your arms at all times but I have felt your love especially when I have been scared, angry, sad, frustrated and confused. You are truly always there and NEVER leave my side. You are here with me now, and forever more. 2011 held some tough times but You got me through that. I love you God.

Just wanted to reflect and these groups of people. You are a blessing to me and I love you all. Thank you for being you!


What do you think of when you hear the word Trust?
I think of that test that people always ask you to do, the one where you fall backwards into their arms but I know I can't do that, so what is trust?
Trust is such an amazing thing. There will be few people who come into your life that you trust completely and they trust you too, so trust! Okay but your probably thinking 'What is she on? Like, I'm not about to walk up to this randomer and tell them my worries and problems!' and you are quite right too, I don't really mean that and I wouldn't recommend that unless you feel it's necessary! I want you to think how many people you actually do trust and to what extent, I am doing this too. Do you trust your friends? Do you trust your family? Do you trust your teachers? Do you trust God?
Do you trust God? Trusting and believing in something that you can't see is difficult, it's like if someone told you they had an ice cream behind their back for you and you would get it if you did this one thing for them, you can't see the ice cream, how do you it's really there? This is like God's existence. Personally I believe that God is God, he loves us and he is real. But believing and trusting are quite different. It took me quite a while to fully trust God, and sometimes I won't write down or pray my absolutete true feelings and that's ok, but I want to FULLY trust God. It's hard! I'm not going to lie, but I think that once you've got it, it's amazing. Trusting the CREATOR of the Universe! Amazing.

Work on your trust with God, He loves you.

Monday, 14 May 2012

You Are...

I just got an e-mail from someone I love very much. I was excited and when I opened it I smiled and felt happy. It was a picture with the words:
"You are BRAVER than you believe
STRONGER than you may seem,
SMARTER than you think
& LOVED more than you know."

I am telling you now, that you are these things and you are beautiful <3

God Bless.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Monday, 7 May 2012

Matthew West- My Own Little World

This is a song that my friend found on www.yesheis.com
www.yesheis.com is like YouTube but filled with beautiful Christian videos that you can watch.
Listen to the lyrics <3

Because it was easier for me I posted the YouTube video link, but here is the www.yesheis.com link if you are interseted! http://yesheis.com/viewer/matthew-west-my-own-little-world