We all have relationships whether they are with friends, family, boyfriend/girlfriend or God. We all need relationships to live a happy and healthy lifestyle, we count on friends and God. Relationships and friendships are amazing things, and will be most enjoyable and happy with the right people.
So we see most of our friends everyday or hear from the via text or Facebook, some we may know so well but others we don't. If you think of a pyramid, the foundations need to be strong so whoever means a lot in your life would be down there along with God. The next level up still needs to be willing to take the weight of the next level so that could be your friends who you wouldn't be as close to, boyfriend/girlfriend relationships and God. The top level is all of those things in your life that hit you everyday, every second of your life. Or those long going pains that remain in your memory. It weighs a lot and presses down on everything below it. The level directly below need to try and push the pain and worries off and away but they might not be willing to do that and give up, except for God he will stay strong. On the bottom layer (foundations) they need to be there for all your worries and push up and comfort you, they will never leave you. People will be human and a lot of people will walk into your life and help you for a while but find that it is too much and walk out but God is they only person that you can fully rely on. This is not to say that we can never trust any of our our friends because that is not true, I have so many people that I trust but I will always know that God will never leave me in the dark, alone. He will always be there even when it might not seem like it. This is really hard to explain in words and I find it difficult to explain how much God loves us and cars for us, so much that he will NEVER and I mean never leave us. Quite amazing, right? I know that it feels special and wanted to have someone who cares more than any humanly love could give for me. He deserves all my praise. Sometimes when something bad happens we might not want to pray it as in say it aloud or in your head but we can write in our journals and it is still praying but in a different way.
Boyfriend/girlfriend relationships can be wonderful but also can be a downer. Sometimes we get in with the wrong crowd and end up going out with someone who isn't a very nice person or is but doesn't let you do what you want. Here's an example: A teenage girl goes to all her youth groups events that they organise. She gets into the wrong crowd in school and soon finds herself in a relationship with this guy she doesn't really know and he isn't a Christian and doesn't like her going to youth club. He lets her go a few weeks but then decides that she can't go and will not let her go. He says that she doesn't spend enough time with him, so they hang out. They next week she's getting ready to go and he comes in and tells her that they have to meet up with his friends because she always goes off with hers. She agrees not wanting to get into trouble with him. He gradually pulls her away from everything that her church organises and she loses faith in God. Not good. Really not good. He doesn't seem like a very nice guy, does he? This example is often given by people who are trying to give the same message as I am. Example of a bad relationship. The girl or boy in the couple is standing on a chair. The person who isn't standing on the chair is standing firmly on the floor, if they take the person on the chairs hand and pull them they will fall off the chair, this symbolises getting pulled away from Christ and Christian friends. But if the person on the chair tries the pull the person on the floor onto the chair, they will have a much harder time and they would have a harder time trying to get the person to come along with them to youth club and believe in God. Sometimes we don't think about what sort of a position that would put us in if our boyfriend/girlfriend wasn't a Christian and we set too large a goal, saying 'oh I'll get them to come along to youth club and believe in God..' But sadly it doesn't happen like that, it takes time for people the give their lives to God. So what I'm trying to say is remember that it is way easier to pull someone off the chair than pull someone onto it. Always remember this.
God is always your friend and always will be there no matter what happens. He loves you forever and planned to put you where you are on this big world.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
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