Welcome to my thoughts, where I share with you my thoughts!

Monday, 25 June 2012

A Milkshake & A Good Chat!

Today a few great friends and I met up at a cute place called 'Got Milkshake'. It's a tiny little place that sells milkshakes made of anything from Skittles to Galaxy Chocolate, cupcakes, hot chocolate, coffee and other scrumptious things! What made these lovely cupcakes even better was the presence of amazing people. We had a great chat and lots of smiles and laughs. Thank you for the birthday outing!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Isabella 100

If you've read my posts from the end of February and March you'll know who Isabella (Izzy) is, but for those of you who haven't you can scroll down and read through her journey or you can watch this video, or both! She is a little miracle from God and she has spread God's love, grace and power all around the world. She is a little celebrity and also my cousin :) I love this girl!
Izzy's parents have decided that they are going to take many but choose one photo per day of Izzy's first year and put them all into a video and album and call it Isabella 365.

Here's the video of the first 100 pictures!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Why I LOVE Going to Southern Ireland...

So this is very random but I love going down south to my family and this is what we get up to :) Make sure to put your volume up to give it the full effect!

Beautiful Things- Gungor

This song was sang at a youth service in my church and it has been swirling around in my head ever since! I'm not sure if I have posted it before but I am posting again anyway :)

An Irish Blessing!

This is an Irish blessing that has been popping up all around me lately and I have grown to love it and know it! Here it is: (Apologies if I have mixed it up a bit by accident!)

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind ever be on your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And the rain fall softly on your fields.
And until we meet again, 
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Some Music

Here are some songs that can really draw you in and focus you on God. Whilst doing the Tesco shopping online I was playing some of these and lets just say, I got a bit distracted from the shopping.
Seriously beautiful music.

These are just a few, I'll keep posting some more now and then!

Romans 5:8
But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

God Bless.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

You Were Made To Make A Difference

I have a fantastic book called 'You Were Made To Make A Difference' and is well worth reading. Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado Bishop (father and daughter) write their views on each topic. It is such an inspirational book, in fact it made me realise that I NEED to do something! When I turn 16 I am considering becoming a volunteer in the Northern Ireland Children's Hospice. I feel like I need to help someone and serve for God.
On the rear of the book it says:
Changing lives, changing your community, changing hearts. 
The God who made the Universe made you to make a difference.
It then continues to give a brief answer to the big question 'How?' It says:
Here's what happens when you realise how much God loves you, you'll want to do everything possible to share his love with others. This book can help you see what it takes to be a difference maker for God. You'll find stories of real life teens just like you and discover that you are never too young to make a difference in your community and in the world! 

Cool, right? Make sure to check it out!


This is just a brief post on the huge topic of hospitality. So what does it mean? The dictionary definition of the word is- the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers. Wow. So... if I wave at a stranger, is that hospitality?
Well, have you noticed how living rooms and kitchens pop up all across the bible? There you go! Inviting people into your home, making them welcome, talking face to face with them, getting to know them, you are welcoming God himself into your home and inviting him to change that persons life. When you ask someone or tell someone, "Come over for dinner." You're really saying, "You matter to me and to God." and your guest hears, "I am worth the effort." Amazing, right?
You know what else? It's not an accident that the word 'hospitality' and the word 'hospital' come from the same Latin word for, they both result in the same thing: healing.
Take a piece of paper or a notepad and jot down the numbers 1-4. Like this:
Beside the numbers write down a few ways that you could show hospitality to people and to whom.

The Greek word for hospitality consists of two terms which translate as love and stranger. Literally, the word means to love a stranger.

1 Peter 4:9-10
Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

Such a little thing can change a life.


Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, 
the amateur Noah built the ark; professionals built the titanic.

Monday, 4 June 2012

So Simple Yet SO Powerful

The God who MADE the entire UNIVERSE, The God who CREATED every living being that has EVER, does and will EVER walk the Earth, The God that CREATED and DESIGNED US.
 Yeah, that HUGE God L O V E S YOU! YOU! The same you that you look at in the mirror and sigh at the messy hair, spots, big nose, small eyes, baggy eyelids. God LOVES that very same you. He CREATED you with thought and love so don't wish to change because that IMMENSE God loves that AMAZING you.
